Builder Support Team

We have formed an integrated design team working in collaboration with few boundaries between disciplines. The process is a celebration of the creative contributions of the client, suppliers, contractors, and tradespersons.

While the Dream Home is designed to educate on the holistic approach to design and a green lifestyle, the design and building process has been used as an educational tool for Humber College Design students.

With Humber College’s mission to provide a high quality ‘learn-by-doing’ environment, students enrolled in the School of Applied Technology are participating in the design, prefabrication and erection of the Dream Home at the 2012 National Home Show.

The Interior Design students are also collaborating with Industrial Designstudents in the design of a display booth to showcase the industry partners collaborating in the design and construction of the Dream Home . The display will be integrated with the home as part of a backyard experience. The project is being run as an internal competition with the winning design being constructed at the Home Show and the top three entries receiving cash awards from the builder.

Students will also be participating as student ambassadors for the Dream Home at the National Home Show in March. They will provide guided tours of the building and provide the general public with educated viewpoints of our work.